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The Weekly Deposit
Weekly Insight, Inspiration and Ingenuity
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Matt Chenard
3 min read
Time, Your Most Valuable Currency
You have three main currencies: time, money, and energy. You could also count experience and connections, but let’s stick with the main...
Matt Chenard
2 min read
Do You Practice What You Preach?
Are you lying to yourself and those you love? You’re probably thinking, “Whoa, Matt. That's an odd way to start off an email.” Hear...
Matt Chenard
1 min read
Are You Measuring Progress the Wrong Way?
You’re likely measuring your progress wrong. Whether it’s in the gym, your business, or your relationships, there’s a good chance...
Matt Chenard
2 min read
Sauna Sessions: What I Learned from My Failed Startup
In early 2019, I co-founded a business called Social Sauna. This was before saunas became as popular as they are now, alongside cold...
Matt Chenard
2 min read
A Surprising Teacher on My Morning Walk
I went for a walk this morning with the fam: Jilisa, Willa, and Duke. It was warm but not too warm, with a slight breeze just enough to...
Matt Chenard
2 min read
How One Degree Can Change Your Life
The One Degree Principle Makes Massive Shifts Over the dozen years I’ve been coaching in the fitness and business industry, I’ve...
Matt Chenard
2 min read
Embracing the Unpluggable Mind
As entrepreneurs, we're dreamers by nature, often flooded with innovative ideas and big plans. A recurring question, however, is how to...
Matt Chenard
2 min read
The Coach Conundrum - How to Choose a Business Coach
In a world teeming with coaches for every possible niche, selecting the right one can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. From life...
Matt Chenard
2 min read
Contentment in the Current Moment
In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, maintaining a balance between appreciating the present and planning for the future can often be...
Matt Chenard
3 min read
Fear of Numbers: A Journey through Financial Turmoil and Triumph
If we turn the clock back to before 2020, I can tell you that I didn't have much fear or anxiety around the bank balance of our...
Matt Chenard
2 min read
How CrossFit can Guide Entrepreneurs
As an entrepreneur your business, your personal relationships and/or physical well-being may demand your attention. You may often feel...
Matt Chenard
5 min read
How AI will Disrupt Your Business
I have added two different versions of this post. The first is written by me. The second version was written by my Blog post optimized...
Matt Chenard
2 min read
Success as a Byproduct
Although my cold plunge journey started six years ago to address several health issues that popped up, I only started sharing my journey...
Matt Chenard
3 min read
Six Years Cold (Why I Started Cold Exposure)
The majority of the people reading this will know me best from my cold plunge videos on Instagram. I have been filming my “ice chat...
Matt Chenard
3 min read
An Anniversary Not to Remember?
March 17, 2020. It was mid afternoon and one of the coaches at Greater Purpose Health & Fitness was coaching the noon class at the gym. I...
Matt Chenard
2 min read
Is Your Business Stealing Your Joy? Here's how to avoid that:
The entrepreneurial journey is full of ups and downs. One moment you feel like you’re on your way to a multi-million-dollar company and...
Matt Chenard
3 min read
Sleepless Pandemic Nights
I am at times an overly positive person. Sure, it sounds like a strength, but at times it can actually be more of a weakness. It keeps me...
Matt Chenard
4 min read
Why Gaining 12 Lbs of Body Fat was Good for My Business
March 6th, 2020, myself and the whole Greater Purpose Health and Fitness team were on our way to our first-ever team retreat. Something...
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